PR Sign Drive

West Columbia Riverfront Park and Amphitheatre 109 Alexander Road, West Columbia, SC, United States

Come help PR put out signs to help carry the message of Narcotics Anonymous.  Food and Fellowship to follow after.

Welcome Home Pancake Brunch Fundraiser

Next Right Thing 1600 12th Street, Cayce, SC, United States

Come out and enjoy some pancakes and help support our annual Welcome Home Convention.  No addict turned away!


Policy and Procedure Meeting

Cayce Starbucks 727 Knox Abbott Drive, Cayce, SC, United States

Come help serve on the Policy and Procedure Sub-Committee.

ASC Meeting

Naturally High 5220 Clemson Ave, Columbia, United States

Come learn about Area Service at our monthy meeting.  Several Open Positions!

Cliff S. Celebration!!

Serenity at Sunset 3215 Platt Springs Rd, West Columbia, SC, United States

Come celebrate Cliff S. 21yrs. Bring yourself and food if possible! Food and Fellowship afterwards.

Dreher Island Cookout

Dreher Island 3677 State Park Rd., Prosperity, SC, United States

Shelter 11

ASC Meeting

Next Right Thing 1600 12th Street, Cayce, SC, United States

Come check out our Area Service Committee Meeting.  Everyone is welcome.

Tacos & Spades!

Hope Hole 1600 12th Street, Cayce, SC, United States

Welcome Home is hosting a fundraiser for our convention. Come out to help support-and have some fun and fellowship while you're at it! Spades start at 6:30pm. $5 to play and $10 to play and eat.

Web Servant Committee Meeting

Starbucks W. Columbia 2408 Augusta Rd., West Columbia, SC, United States

Come help us improve our Area's Website to better carry the message of NA