Area Service Committee Meeting

Next Right Thing 1600 12th Street, Cayce, SC, United States

Come get involved with Service!

Burgers and Bingo Night Fundraiser

U Can Too 2491 Emmanuel Churc Rd., West Columbia, SC, United States

Burgers and Bingo Night! $15 gets you a burger and 3 games.  NO ADDICT TURNED AWAY. Prizes include $25 Amazon Gift Card, Free Oil Change, and a $25 Gas Card.  Come enjoy some food, fun, and fellowship!


Web Subcommittee Meeting

Starbucks W. Columbia 2408 Augusta Rd., West Columbia, SC, United States

Celebration at Hope Hole!

Hope Hole 1600 12th Street, Cayce, SC, United States

Come help Jesus celebrate 21 years at Hope Hole! Food and Fellowship provided! Jeff will be speaking.

H&I Orientation

Naturally High 5220 Clemson Ave, Columbia, United States

Celebration at Serenity at Sunset!

Serenity at Sunset 3215 Platt Springs Rd, West Columbia, SC, United States

Come celebrate Paula S (37yrs) at Serenity at Sunset. Food and fellowship afterwards! Covered dishes welcome.

Celebration @ Avenue Q!

Avenue Q 2827 Wheat Street Rm 215, Columbia, SC, United States

Manda S. celebrating 5 years!  Josh G is the speaker.  Come help us celebrate!

Dreher Island Cookout

Dreher Island 3677 State Park Rd., Prosperity, SC, United States

Come enjoy swimming, games, fun, food and fellowship!